Showing posts with label scrapbook journaling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scrapbook journaling. Show all posts

Journaling Scrapbook Ideas.

Here are journaling scrapbook ideas about annual cheat sheet. We all have good intentions of writing the who/what/when information on the back of all pictures. But when it comes to "what year was this picture taken, what age was this child at that time and what grade was he in" I can go crazy sometimes. Therefore, I have created for myself my own laminated "Annual Cheat Sheet". Mothers don't usually forget the WHO question but after a few kids and a few years we don't have “total recall” on the WHEN question. In the first column I list the years. The 2nd column is child #1 and his age and grade. The 3rd column is child #3 and his age and grade etc. In theory, if I have any one of those pieces of information I can go to my 'cheat sheet' and conclude, for example, that in, “2010, Suzie was 7 years old in 3rd grade, and her sister was 10 in the 7th grade.” I've discovered, however, if I don't have one of those pieces of information then I'm beyond help!

Here's an easy scrapbook idea to add journaling to your scrapbook pages. After you've planned your layout and are ready to start journaling, just imagine that someone is looking over your shoulder and asking what the pictures are all about. Then simply write down what you would tell them! I put blank, lined pages at the back of each completed scrapbook. When I'm leafing through an album and remember a detail or story that didn't get journaled, I write the information in. I also journal pages describing momentous occasions, e.g. my children's births, and special things about their childhoods, and include them in the album.

To make birthday memories stay alive, I have the guests sign the "birthday page" with a saying or just their signature. It has been wonderful for the kids to go back and see what grandma or their cousins had to say. It's especially special to have a lasting momentum of family members who have passed. I always put a picture of my child on their birthday in the middle! It’s a great scrapbook idea!

I am working on an ongoing scrapbook for my 17 month old son. After his first year, I went from journaling milestones to a calendar page for each month. I have recently found that by placing a blank calendar on my nightstand that I can quickly jot down notes regarding his accomplishments or special things that we did for the day. By keeping it by the bed, I never forget to make a quick note that I can transfer later to his scrapbook.

What to do with those endless class pictures your kids bring home every year? Sit down with your children, and have them say or write one sentence about every student, and teacher, in their class. Organize the list in the same order as the students are in the photo, then create a layout with the class photo and the list.

I love to jazz up my pages with unique journaling scrapbook ideas. When I created a page of my daughter enjoying her kiddie car one spring day, I created my own "driver's license" using my computer to capture the details. Journaling doesn't have to be limited to ordinary sentences. With a little creativity, you can adorn your scrapbook pages with a variety of new looks while presenting the important details in a fun way.

I do all the scrapping and journaling in my daughter's scrapbook. In order to add some of Daddy's feelings to her book, I began to print out the emails he sends to his mom and add them to her scrapbook. He writes her often and always writes about the baby. This is nice because he has no pressure to take out the gel pens and write "on the spot" but he is happy he can add his feelings to our daughter's scrapbook.

Often, I want to use a computer font on a small tag or journaling block that has already been cut. While many others change the settings on their computers to do this, I choose the easy way. I simply create a text box that is a little smaller than the item I wish to print on. I type my journaling up using MS Word. After making sure that the text box lines are turned off, I print the journaling on a regular piece of paper. Then, I adhere my tag over the printing with repositionable tape. I run the paper through the printer again, and voila! The tag come out printed very neatly without a whole lot of fiddling with the computer settings.
I hope these journaling scrapbook ideas will help you to spark your imagination!